Thursday, September 6, 2012


The Goodness of God

God is love and those who live in him should be in love, love one another just as we are loved by Jesus. John 13:34.

Dear friends, the last topics we looked at were QUIET TIME and DESTRUCTION A SURE DEAL TO THOSE WHO DO TRUST IN THE ITEMS OF THE WORLD and for now, we are going to look at something similar, “THE GOODNESS OF GOD”.

God loves you and me; he wants us to live in him and with him so that he also lives with us and in us. God has plans for you and me in this world. Due to his love, he has plans to prosper you and me but not to cause harm on you (Jeremiah 29:11) because he is with us in every step of our life (Zephaniah 3:17).

Now if I may ask, why do we cry when we face problems, persecutions, challenges or fail to attain our desires? It is because we do not live a life expected by God of us. For a good relationship to take place, God expects us to live a life dedicative to him because he does not want to willingly bring affliction of grief to anyone (Lamentations 3:33). Our human negligence turns us away from the love of God paving way for Satan to take charge of us with all the pains and sufferings.

As it is written in Romans “there is no one righteous, not even one” (Romans 3:10) meaning that everyone has sinned and turned away from God, including you and me making him to withdraw his love from us. We have to note that once God leaves us due to our disobedience, we are subject to sufferings, pain and hardships because there is no one to love, protect and provide for us.

But due to the goodness of the Lord God, he has promised to forgive our sins however on the condition that we are able to agree that we have knowingly and unknowingly sinned and are able to confess of our sins. God’s love is genuine, he does not want us to perish but be in him so that we can inherit an everlasting life (John 3:16) so that if we believe in Jesus, we may find life. (John 3:36).

God is welcoming you and me back so that we can restore back the Brocken relationship (Joel 2:12-13). Can you just see this goodness of the Lord, after your bundles of sin; he still needs you back and can forgive all the sins. However much we go wrong against God, he is ready and just to forgive us if only we admit and do confess. Render your hearts to the Lord; let him be your leader and director in life. You should also know that walking in obedience please God (Hebrews 11:5-6, also Colossians 3:12-14) and do not take the help you offer to your friends as a burden to you but a help to glorify God (Colossians 3:23). We need to have fear for the Lord because our deeds are accountable to him (Ecclesiastes 12:13-13).

My dear lovely friends, I wish to tell you that we should therefore be alert and desist from the attacks of Satan, put on the full amour of the Lord (Ephesians 6:11) so that it will not be a surprise attack on our lives (Ecclesiastes 9:11-12)

I love you with the love of our savior Jesus Christ and I do expect you to love one another wherever you may be just as Christ loves us.

Be Blessed
