Saturday, March 3, 2012


Welcome to meet me in this study. I want us to look at Quiet Time, and preferably we shall in most cases answer some of these questions above as we progress with the point of interest.
Waoh…..!!!!!! Quiet Time I believe ``is the meeting with God in a thoughtful circumstance through regular reading of the Bible and prayers. In other words, it is a personal commitment/communication with God. It is a time set aside to talk to God and meditate in his words. Well….. I do not know what time is for your Quiet Time out of the 24 hours of the day. It is once a day and this depends on your days plan. It may be at your;
-          Bed time
-          Early morning
-          Lunch time
-          Or any time of the day convenient to you.
So I leave that unto you as to what time is appropriate to you. However, by this time, you should be free of all other things, only ready to communicate to God. No stress and so on.
So, what do you need for your Quiet Time? You need the following basically:
v  A quiet place free from noise, interruptions and so on.
v  A Bible (the word of God to pick the text to read and look upon)
v  A note book and Pen to note down important items, appeals, promises, revelations, commands and so.
v  A guide line that tells you what to do in each Quiet Time.
v  Interest for Quiet Time, moreover a personal interest for talking to God. Less than that, it will be a waste of time because you will do it as like you have been forced to.
v  Time for the activity. God gave us 24 hours, of which some of the time is for rest (sleep), but much of the time is for your personal wants. Choose which time is appropriate for you of the 24 hours.
Just briefly let us look at how we can have/do our Quiet Time.
Now that you are at your Quiet Time, do the following:
v  PRAY. In this prayer,
-ask for forgiveness of your past evil acts that you can remember and that you can’t.
-ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit to help you in the time. (Psalms 119:18)
v  Then READ the text from your Bible that your guideline suggests for the day to read. As you read, keep note of (write down in your note book) important ideas and information reached like promises, revelations, commands, do’s and don’ts, requests and so on as you find in the text.
v  Then THINK about the text (verses) as you ask yourself the following questions;
Ø  What do these verses mean?
Ø  What does God want me to learn from these verses?
Ø  Does this text tell me anything new about God, his son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit?
Ø  Does the text encourage me or discourage me on doing something?
v  After examining the text and yourself with these questions, then PRAY again. This time in the prayer;
·         Thank God for having guided you in the Quiet Time.
·         Request him to send the Holy Spirit to live in you so that you may live in the spirit and to move with you  as you leave the Quiet Time place for other activities so that you are sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ where Satan will not find any place in you.
v  Finally, Do!!!!!   Put to practice what the Lord God expects of you (Revelations 1:3) according to the text you have looked in.
You should do this not because you ought to, but:
·         To be wise in salvation (2 Timothy 3:15)
·         For defense against the attacks of Satan (Ephesians 6:17)
·         To keep pure/clean ( Psalms 119:9,11)
·         And finally to equip yourself for the Lords’ service.
``I keep asking that the God our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,…….’’ Ephesians 1:17-18.

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