Monday, April 23, 2012




In this study, we are going to look at “Dedicating to our Lord God’’ and in this we shall answer several questions of;

  • What does it mean in dedicating to God?
  • What do we dedicate to God?
  • Why do we dedicate to God?
  • When do we dedicate to God?

We are all initially children of God by creation, but with passage of time as we grow by, interacting with the events and changes of the world, we begin to seal our self from being children of God. In most cases this is due our lack of dedication to our Lord God who is the owner of our life.

In this context, I will say ‘Dedicating to God is the process letting God to take control of your life in all aspect of your life in this world’. Dedication is a process, it is just not once. It is a continuous process.

Note these…

  • It is due to dedication of our love to our friends that we live in love, peace and harmony.
  • It is due to the dedication of the love of a father to his children that he provides for them.
  • It is due to dedication of love to marriage partners that the married do stay together in the marriage till death separates them

Above all, it is due to the dedication of the love of God to us that He is protecting us, providing for us up to date though in times of happiness, sorrow and what ever circumstances we may be in, because God said that He is with us. “The Lord God is with you. He is Mighty to save. He will take great delight in you; he will quiet you with his love…” Zephaniah 3:17 and God has plans for you and for me. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Jeremiah 29:11. Our being children of God is not our own wish, but by grace and love of God Ephesians 2:8.

Dedicating to God is a process of giving up our life as a living sacrifice to the service of God, letting God to take control of our life. It is a process because it is from the time we identify our self as SINNERS and admitting that what we have been in, is SIN and therefore taking a step of accepting and coming to Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior, up to the time of our death (when God takes us to be with Him in His Kingdom). One thing we have to note with concern is that our dedication to our Lord God is being instructed/ a command, for we were once lost in sin when Adam and Eve went beyond Gods’ commands, but by the Grace of God we are been drawn back to him through the death of Jesus Christ for our sins. Galatians 3:26-27, Ephesians 2:4-5, 13.

Remember that our relationship with God was terminated by the act of Adam and Eve. They took pleasure in themselves and the events of the world that they failed to dedicate themselves to the expectation of God, thus sin came in Genesis 3. Even during the Egypt- canner journey under the leadership of Moses, Aaron and so, Israelites failed to dedicate themselves to the expectation of God (Exodus), they kept sinning on the way.

The death of Jesus Christ on the cross has redeemed us from our sinful state and nature and “we are put in one body with Christ through Baptism” Romans 6:3-4. If you are still behind and have not yet identified your self with Christ Jesus, “repent and be Baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the forgiveness of your sins”. God dedicated Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that we may find salvation in Him. The gift of God (Kingdom) can not be bought with money or wealth like what Simon the sorcerer tried to do Acts 8:18-24. “We must go through hardship to enter the Kingdom of God” Acts 14:22b. During Baptism, “you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received a spirit of Sonship” Romans 8:15.

Therefore my dear friends, “clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ ad do not think about how to gratify the desire of the sinful nature” Romans 13:14. Remember that “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever” 1 John 2:17.

Action needed…….

Read Deuteronomy 22:9 reflect on the writing and evaluate your life, boldly come and act upon. Know that once you are with Christ, nothing will separate you from the Love of Christ. Romans 8:35-39. Even do not worry over a single thing or issue for the Lord your God has plans for you, “to prosper you, not to harm you” Jeremiah 29:11. “Brothers and sisters, “God is with you” (Zephaniah 3:17) in all your struggles.

Be blessed as you dedicate/devote to God, and if you have never been doing so, it is high time you act. You may need special prayers request, please do not hesitate to write to me.

Love in Christ to you all.


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